Monday, July 20, 2009

best of the net nominations for 2009...

I've nominated the following poets & poems to the Best of the Net 2009 anthology from Sundress Publications - for their appearance in Blue Fifth Review:

The Linking Verbs
by Elizabeth H. Barbato (Fall 2008)

Always One Direction
by Melissa Buckheit (Fall 2008)

Fantasy for Cello and Orchestra"
by Amy Lemmon (Broadside #13, Spring 2009)

Acts Become Memory
by J. Alan Nelson (Fall 2008)

Alchemy at the Maykadeh: Dinner with Philip Lamantia
by Eileen Tabios (Spring 2009)

Meditation on Hair
by Yun Wang (Broadside #12, Fall 2008)

Congratulations to these poets, and my thanks for their sending their work to BFR.

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