Monday, July 27, 2009

broadside #14...

Now online at Blue Fifth Review

Broadside #14 – “Therese Berard, Oil on Canvas: A Still-life Speaks,”
a poem by Jill Crammond Wickham


Broadside #15 – a poem by Robert E. Wood – will be online in late August


The Fall 2009 issue will be online in October

Monday, July 20, 2009

best of the net nominations for 2009...

I've nominated the following poets & poems to the Best of the Net 2009 anthology from Sundress Publications - for their appearance in Blue Fifth Review:

The Linking Verbs
by Elizabeth H. Barbato (Fall 2008)

Always One Direction
by Melissa Buckheit (Fall 2008)

Fantasy for Cello and Orchestra"
by Amy Lemmon (Broadside #13, Spring 2009)

Acts Become Memory
by J. Alan Nelson (Fall 2008)

Alchemy at the Maykadeh: Dinner with Philip Lamantia
by Eileen Tabios (Spring 2009)

Meditation on Hair
by Yun Wang (Broadside #12, Fall 2008)

Congratulations to these poets, and my thanks for their sending their work to BFR.

Monday, July 13, 2009

more poetry & art news...

Later this summer:

Late July: Broadside #14: “Therese Berard, Oil on Canvas: A Still-life Speaks” - poetry by Jill Crammond Wickham

August: Broadside #15: “Blue Mexico” - poetry by Robert E. Wood

The Fall 2009 issue will be online in October.


Call for submissions: Winter 2010
This issue will have a special theme: the body