Wednesday, November 26, 2008

pushcart nominations for 2008...

The following poems, appearing at BFR, have been nominated for the 2008 Pushcart Prize.

Collin Kelley, Patty Hearst on the Occasion of Her Presidential Pardon (Broadside #10, Spring 2008)

Jeff Mann, Writers’ Tour of Kayford Mountain— October 16, 2006 (Spring Supplement 2008)

Felicia Mitchell, Zen and the Art of My Brother (Broadside #11, Summer 2008)

Oliver Rice, Minarets, Incense, Beggars (Winter 2008)

Amy Riddell, Lament (Fall 2008)

Susan Terris, See a Cliché, Be a Cliché (Broadside #9, Winter 2008)

These are wonderful poems from gifted poets. I'm grateful that they've allowed their works to appear at BFR. Read them, and your world will be a richer view.

Congratulations to these poets.